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My Ferrets Poop

21 10:40:31

Well it just started happening last night but when I walked into my bedroom I had noticed my ferrets poop not being a normal color I at first thought well let me see if this continues and of course it had, but Jake has been pooping what looks like oatmeal or a liquidy ceral bar kinda of poop, I look at many poop charts througtout the night and only one stood out to be bird seed poop, but when looking at the picture I just really am uncertain that that is whats going on, the color is wrong and its alittle more liquidy then his, Jake poop is the color of the normal poop but looks like oatmeal, I absolutely love my ferret and I just wanna make sure that he is ok!

Hello Sarah,

How does his poop look now?  Has there been any changes?  "oatmeal" or seedy stool means that it is not in the digestive tract long enough for it to be well digested. It also means he is not adequately getting nutrition, so it can be detrimental if it persists for too long.  Another major concern is dehydration.  If his stool has not changed by now or gets worse, he should be seen by a vet.  He might need fluid therapy to help dehydration and medication.  

Diarreah can be caused by any number of reasons, including stress, allergy, blockage, etc.  It may be something that will clear up on its own, or it might need medical attention.  It all depends on the severity and duration.  

-Cindy P.