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eating habits.

21 10:52:17

QUESTION: I have a year old female ferret named Stella, and her eating habits have become a little strange lately. It's gotten much hotter than it usually is, and since then she hasn't been eating her dry food. But whenever we bring out a banana, or some watermelon, she goes crazy! She has lost some weight, but I think that's just a seasonal thing.

I'm just not sure if she's sick or if she has an intestine blockage or anything like that. I just really want her to start eating her food again!

Any helpful information would be great :)


ANSWER: Hello Jolie!  

There can be several things attributed to weight loss/lack of eating.  

First, it can be completely natural, especially since there are no other symptoms!  Ferrets appetites can change once they age.  She is no longer a kit, but  now an adult ferret.  This means that her metabolism has changed and she no longer needs the extra energy to grow.  Also, some slim down during certain seasons (usually summer) and gain weight during others.

Did you change the food recently?  Ferrets imprint on specific foods at a young age and can be stubborn to change.  This can certainly be a reason.   

Of course the cause can also be due to something else.  Make sure you check her teeth thoroughly. A chipped/cracked/rotten tooth can cause pain and decrease appetite.  Or, there are numerous medical conditions that cause decreases in appetite.  My recommendation is no matter the cause, you should bring her to your veterinarian for a checkup. If it is a medical problem, you will catch it early since there are no other symptoms. The good news is this does not sound like a blockage.  Any obstruction would cause severe vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.  

Just as a side note, be VERY careful what treats you feed these little guys!  Banana and watermelon are chock-full of sugar which is harmful, and possibly deadly if given too much over the course of time.  insulinoma, which is a horrible disease, is thought to be caused by too much sugar in the diet.  Remember, ferrets are obligate carnivores.  They need to eat sources high in protein and NO carbohydrates or sugar.  The only treats my ferrets get are dehydrated 100 percent natural chicken strips (found in the dog-treat isle), cooked egg, turkey/chicken cold-cuts or cooked hamburger.

Also, if you need any suggestions for good kibble to feed, please ask.  Most ferret-specific brands are not very healthy (imagine that!) and do not meet the requirements necessary for a healthy long life.   

-Cindy P.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for that information Cindy, that made me feel a little more better about this situation. We've checked her teeth and gums for any rotting or any signs of decay, and she has a nice bright smile, so that's good.

The food that she has currently has small banana chips among the dry food, she seems to like the chips better than she does her actual food though. We're thinking of attempting to try another food brand if banana chips are a problem. Do you have any suggestions for some good kibble?

Also, it gets hot in the room that her cage is in, so we have a fan blowing in the room when we're not home to help cool her down a little bit. And we've been putting an ice-cube in a little dish and she likes to lick it and rub her face on it haha, is this okay for her do be doing? She seems to enjoy it alot.

Thanks again,


Thank you for being so concerned about her diet!  SO many ferret owners have NO idea that the products they feed their pets can cause MAJOR health problems.  Anything that contains banana (chips, juice, etc..) are NOT good.  And certainly I can suggest several terrific brands of kibble.  Some are harder to find than others.

There are several important things to look for when selecting a brand or brands of kibble.  It must contain high fat and protein content. Generally look for 35-45 percent protein (I have found any higher creates soft stool) and around 22 percent fat.  Every brand is different, and that is why I tend to choose 3 of the best, and create a mixture. For older ferrets, look for less protein, since it can cause stress on the kidneys.  Whichever brands you choose, make sure the first 3 ingredients are meat based and try to stay away from animal by-products since these are "filler" and contain less nutritional value.  Also, stay away from fish products if possible.  Make sure there are no vegetable additives and no carbohydrates, since ferrets are obligate carnivores and cannot digest plant material.   If you decide to switch brands, always introduce the new type by mixing it in with the old kibble.  I generally start with a 20/80 mixture, then increase the amount of new food over the next few days.  This allows the sensitive ferret tummies to get used to the new diet.

Here are some brands I recommend:

Core Feline Wellness
Innova Kitten Chow (or the ferret version if available)
Totally Ferret (contains by-products, but should be ok if mixed)
Serengeti Cat (Timberwolf brand)

This list is by no means all inclusive.  There are many other good types available, just check the labels. Not all premium kitten/cat kibble is good for these guys, and not even all brands of ferret-specific food!  I do not recommend feeding a raw diet.  Bacteria and other harmful pathogens and can be transferred by feeding raw meat.  These can include tapeworms, salmonella, and e-coli.

Remember to store all extra food in airtight containers (Such as for cereal storage).  If you buy three kinds of kibble, it will last you awhile!  Also, change the kibble in your ferret's bowl DAILY.  Some types (such as those that contain vitamin E) can go rancid quickly and cause stomach problems.  

remember, stay away from vegetables, fruits and milk products as treats.  Raisins can cause kidney failure, and too much sugar (anything that ends with -ose) can lead to insulinoma and other complications. I feed my guys dehydrated 100% chicken treats with no additives as snacks.  These can be found in the canine section of your local pet store.  They also LOVE live mealworms (eww), cooked egg, turkey/chicken cold cuts and cooked hamburger.  Remember, Always check the ingredients for whatever you buy, since most store bought brands of kibble/treats are not good for the little guys!

There is a short FAQ that contains some info on nutrition from the AFA's Official Website:

Good luck, and if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask