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sex of a ferret

21 10:59:19

How can I determine the sex of my ferret?

Hi Eric!

Congratulations on your new ferret!  

If you will turn your ferret over and look where you would look to see if he has a bellybutton........if he has one, he is a HE; if he does not appear to have a bellybutton, he is a litle girl.

Another way to tell is when they go to the bathroom, little girls will pee almost on top of their poops; whereas little boys will pee about 2" in front of their poops.

I highly suggest a book called "FERRETS FOR DUMMIES" by Kim Schilling.  It has all kinds of tips and things EVERY ferret parent needs to know before they bring a ferret home - but if you already have one...rush out and get a copy.  You will need to know how to safeguard your ferret against all kinds of life-threatening things like styrofoam and pencil erasers just to start with!!   Ferrets are not just little cats or dogs. They need special food and toys and lots and lots of people-time, as they are very social. There is another site online at and that answer a lot of questions you may have. There are many online groups all about ferrets and how much fun they are - you cna learn a LOT there too!  Some groups are Norwegian Ferrets and Ferrets on MSN groups. I encourage you to join a group and learn as much as possible.

Of course, you are always welcome to come back here to ask questions too!

Best of luck to you and your new little one!

jacquie rodgers