Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > my skinny,sick,dying ferret

my skinny,sick,dying ferret

21 10:55:25

QUESTION: My ferret is soooo skinny i can see all the pones on his boddy!He is not walking right.He acts like he wants to walk but can not.He has food 24/7. I have been feeding him baby food. Will that help put weight back on him?  He is  also losing his hair. And i do not have the money to take him to the vet what can i do?! PLEASE help me ASAP. Thanks so much.

ANSWER: I would call your vet and work out a payment plan - this ferrets needs to go ASAP.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I really can not call i vet I need a way to treat him at home

It could be a blockage, which requires surgery or adrenal which requires shots of Lupron or surgery or something else (since I am not a vet those are the 2 I can think of that would cause the symptoms).  If you can't make a payment play with a vet I really don't know what to tell you.  A ferret that skinny, can't walk, and is losing hair is in VERY bad shape.  There is nothing you can do at home - if he were a human you would rush him to the ER and that is what he needs.  No amount of baby food will fix him.  A blockage or adrenal are fatal.  You would be surprised what a vet will workout with you if you ask.