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fruit flies

21 10:52:39

I have 2 females  and one male ferret,  I have them in a 4 story cage, I have been using newspaper on the bottom and I change it daily or every other day,  My problem is fruit flies, what would be the best way to get rid of them?

Hello Sheryl!  

This is certainly a strange question!  I am a bit confused as to why fruit flys would be attracted to your ferrets' cage.  Those types of insects are drawn to sugary foods such as fruits and vegetables, not feces or urine.

Do you feed fruits or sugary foods as treats they might stash in their cage?  This could be a reason that these nasty little buggers are hanging out.  Sugary treats such as fruits or veggies should not be given to your fuzzies as they can pose serious health risks (insulinoma, intestinal blockages, etc)!  The best way to get rid of the fruit flys would be discontinue giving any as treats.  This would also dramatically reduce the risk of health problems in your ferrets!  

If fruit flys continue to be a problem, it is best to determine the source.  Perhaps you have some old fruit that has been dragged behind the cage or about your house?  I know my guys have done this, so it can't be ruled out as a possibility!  Also, make sure all of your own fruits/veggies are secure in the refrigerator.  Leaving them out on the counter is an open buffet for these little flying critters.     

Let me know if you would like any more information on treats/diet for your fuzzies.  
