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ferret kit biting in fear

21 10:39:13

I purchased a ten week old kit from the local petstore who got him from a broker who got him from Marshall's. I held him at the petstore and then he bit my finger real hard and was latched on. Scruffing had no effect. He would not let go, so I just let go of him and he hung from my finger for a few seconds. The store person caught him and put him back in the cage. He had just arrived at the petstore a few hours before from a 6hr drive where the broker was located.

I figured since he is so young and having a bad day and all that I could work with him. I took him home to a nice big cage with lots of beds, toys and primo grain free ferret food. He ate played and slept. Later I had him sniffing my hand through the bars and he seemed ok. I placed my hand in the cage and he sniffed it, licked it and then took a huge chomping bite into my knuckle. Again he held on and I just sat there scared forgetting to say no.  I reached to scruff him and he got really scared and bit harder so I didn't scruff him.

So mainly my question is am I gonna just have to let him bite the heck out of me until he realizes that I'm not gonna hurt him? Can you give me some idea of the steps to take. Also I really want to let him out of the cage, but is it to soon.

He is very young, and just like a puppy or kitten, he is exploring the world with his teeth!  It will take a little time for him to realize he shouldn't bite you.  He is giving you nice warning signals - like before biting, so I suggest you remove your hand before he gets a chance to bite.  When he is out of the cage (it is never too soon for him to explore and exercise) be careful as the more excited he is, the more likely he might bite.  Try not to give him an opportunity bite you so you don't have to experience the pain and he doesn't get any practice.  Try not to punish him, he is just being a baby.  But feel free to give him a "time out" if he does bite - just for a few minutes.