Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Chewing ferret had a blockage

Chewing ferret had a blockage

21 10:39:13

QUESTION: We have a 3 year old female ferret so decided to get her a companion.  We bought an apx 3 month old male from Petco who had been returned once because they said the first home had ferrets who picked on him too much.  We had him 5 days and saw he had chewed holes in 2 of the blankets we put in for him and his sister.  After vetting he did have a blockage and had to have it surgically removed.  He is 2 days post op and i saw he chewed 2 dime sized holes in the towel he was sleeping on.  Is this stress related?  I hate to have him sleep on the bare floor of his temporary crate because I don't want him to get chilled.  Any suggestions of what I can put in there he won't try to taste?
Our first ferret never chewed like that so this was a very expensive surprise.  Almost 900 dollars!  We'd like to keep him till he's and old guy if he cooperates!  Thanks so much

ANSWER: Hopefully it is stress related (seem weird to say) but if it is stress related, then he will stop as he adjusts to the new environment.  Considering your story, this is possible.  He will probably be just fine without any bedding in his temp crate although you will have to figure out what to do once he is back in the regular cage.  You can try something like a carpet square which should be more of a challenge to chew.  Make sure you keep a close eye on anything you use though by checking daily for holes.  Try to give him other things to chew on instead, like a kong or other tough toy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.  I read somewhere online that someone tried using a sheet so we put a pillowcase in there.  That lasted 2 days.  I bought him a chew toy today to try and saw another suggestion of giving him a piece of leather to chew on.  What do you think of that idea?  I know it would probably have to be a thick piece and not colored.  I also got some bitter apple to try on a case.  Would that hurt a ferret?  We have a hammock, a cube and a pirate ship toy in the community crate and don't know how the older girl will appreciate having them taken away after his surgical quarantine is over.

Bitter apple is fine and I have never tried or heard of trying leather.  Do make sure it is think and natural (no treatments).  You may need to minimize the fabric in the shared cage and keep a really close eye on the male to make sure he isn't ingesting any.