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going potty all over cage

21 10:53:43

I have 4 male ferrets and I used to let them out everyday to play for hours but they were going potty all over my house in places I had no clue about. So i brought them a really big cage that stands taller then myself and they started going potty out the side of the cage on my walls and all over every level. Why ? It is making me very mad and I cant keep up with this the cage is sooo big its hard to have to clean every level every day! If I cant stop this Im going to have get reid of them. Im a single mom that works and has other pets. please help

This is what ferrets do.  They use feces to mark territory and are often not great at litter box use.  They require a lot of free time so make sure that just because they have a big cage that you don't assume they will get enough exercise.  Make sure they use the litter box in the cage before you let them out then place them back in the cage after an hour or so.  There is never a guarantee that ferrets will always use the litter box.  Litter box use is always something I tell people about.  Try placing more boxes in the cage, try a different type of litter or spend some time training them to use the box.