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Ferret and Feeding

21 10:42:54

QUESTION: I have tried many different ferret foods and my ferret does not like any of them. She prefers my dog's dry food but it has caused her to have possible adrenal problems including her hair falling out. I'm not sure if it is the taste that she is attracted to or what? What would make the dog food more appealing? She refuses to eat ferret food. I have purchased half a dozen high end ferret food products. The higher the quality and more protein the less she likes it. We have considered feeding her the Wysong Archethype Ferret food since it is primarily protien. Do we starve her by witholding the dog food and hope she'll get hungry enough to eat the ferret food? Any other suggestions.
Thank you, Nancy

ANSWER: Thank you for your question.  Nutrition is VERY important to ferrets, especially since a poor diet can cause all sorts of health problems.  Dog kibble contains far too many carbohydrates and not nearly enough fat and protein for ferrets.  It is certainly not a good food for them.  

I would try to mix in some healthy ferret kibble in with the dog food to try to get her used to the taste.  Then, gradually switch to the new diet over a couple of days.  You never should suddenly change brands of food.  It can cause diarrhea, pancreatitis, vomiting and GI upset. If this does not work, try putting something tasty on the new food, such as ferritone, which you can buy at the petstore.   

Below is a link to a previous answer regarding diet and nutrition.  It includes some good brands and what to look for and advoid in kibble and treats.  Please check it out.

Best of luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We did finally find a ferret food she'll eat so we're happy and her fur has grown back. Is there any kitten food you recommend in case we have any other problems?
Thank you,

I am so glad you finally found a food she likes!  

I outline quite a few good ferret brands in the following link, as well plenty of other information as what to watch out for.

The brands I recommend most are:

Wysong Archetypal-1 (beef) or Archetypal-2 (chicken)
Wellness Core Feline (easiest to find)
Innova Ferret EVO (Or cat version if not available)
Serengeti Cat (Timberwolf brand)
Wilderness by Blue Buffalo

Please check out the above link.  I have also included references the the manufacturer's websites in case you would like to compare ingredients.

-Cindy P.