Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > lazy ferret

lazy ferret

21 10:54:39

I have two ferrets, a male that is five months and a female that is four months. My male ferret is definitely a cuddle-bug but seems a lot lazier than my female ferret. Although they do run and play together, the male poops out after about an hour and a half. The male eats and drinks very well and seems not to have any other problems. Is it possible that my male ferret is just lazy and likes to be held and cuddled more than the female or is there a possible health issue?

Dear Cheryl,

Some ferrets just like to cuddle :)

You will want to make sure he isn't acting lethargic or is over weight. But in most cases if all seems fine he is just a ferret that likes people and wants to be loved and pet. In my experience males tend to be like this more than females.
I would talk to your vet though when you go in for a check up, or make an appointment if he starts to become lethargic, not eat, drink or poop right.

Otherwise I say sit back and enjoy it!
