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Single Ferret

21 10:52:08

Hi I was wondering how would a single ferret do? Do you need to get multiple ferrets or a single ferret that you spend time with a lot will do fine on its own?

Also in your opinion whats the best ferret food?

Thank you.

A single ferret is perfectly fine as long as you give him adequate attention and play time. If you are home a lot and are available to play with him a lot it's ok. But I have found that having two or more ferrets is very fun, and they keep each other company if I am busy or at work. A second ferret is not very much additional maintenance once you already have one ferret, so it's completely up to you. I personally use 8 in 1 Ultimate Ferret, since it has a higher protein content. Totally Ferret and Marshall's are also decent choices. (DO NOT ever use Kaytee brand foods, they contain harmful ingredients for your ferret.)