Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Babies


21 10:50:20

my ferret had kits on sunday so they are just over two days old. i know she has only had 2 but i guess 2 is better than none. she is protective of her nesting box but im sure this is normal. what i want to know is how can i tell whether they are boys or girls?
thanks james

Hi James,

Congratulations on the new babies!  It will be loads of fun to watch them grow up.

Sexing a ferret is pretty much the same as for kittens and puppies, except, male ferrets are even more obvious!  If you find what looks like a very obvious belly-button (this is the male part), it's a boy! Girls don't have one. They will have a vulva just under the anus, so if you see two openings, it's a little female.  

Yes, it is normal for a momma ferret to be protective of her young. Try to leave her alone as much as possible to not stress her out.  Two in a litter is normal.  They can have anywhere between 1-10 kits (or even more in rare cases)!

-Cindy P.