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mean ferret

21 10:53:41

I have a 7 month old female ferret and she is obsessed with biting people.  She
constantly bites, especially elbows, ankles, knees, etc.  We have tried everything!  
She is just terribly mean.  We have another ferret and they get along very well.  
We've considered giving her up, but who would take her?  Please help!

Your ferret is only young and much like puppies, ferrets test
the world with their mouths until they learn biting is not Ok with
people.  They play VERY rough with other ferrets and don't always realize we get hurt easier.  Since she is still young, I recommend
yelping very loudly when she bites.  If she bites you, don't give in.  Wait for her to give up, then continue to play or work with her.  Ex: if you pick her up and she bites you, don't put her down until she stops.  If you reach into her cage and she bites, don't move your hand until she stops.  I know it can hurt a bit, but as soon as you pull away, it is like saying "game on" and now she wants to chase.  Until she is a bit older don't offer her many opportunities to bite.  My
youngsters tend to bite toes, so I either walk in knowing my toes are about to be bitten and since I don't react, they soon give up or I wear shoes that don't expose my toes.  
Make sure she is getting enough enrichment and exercise too since too much stored energy may be leading to the biting.  
Above all, be patient with her.  Ferrets aren't usually mean, they have usually learned that biting gets them what they wanted - either a reaction from you or a game with you.  Try always playing calmly with her and feed her treats when she is calm.