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My ferrets wont eat

21 10:39:13

I have been feeding my ferrets 8 in 1 ultra-blend select for years. Well the store I usually buy it from stopped selling it, so before I ran out I purchased a different type of food and tried mixing them together. They wouldn't eat the new food! So then I found out that another store in my area sold the 8 in 1 so I went and bought that and put it in their dish, but now they won't eat it either. I'm not sure what to do. I had to force feed one of them chicken baby food today, the other took it willingly. Is there anything I can do to get them to eat, other than force feeding? I have also tried softening the food, mixing it with their vitamins, mixing with the baby food...not sure what else I can do.

The first thing would be to make sure nothing else is wrong, especially that no one is ill. It is unusual for a ferret to go off a food they have had for a while, even if they didn't have it for a period of time. It seems like you are doing everything you can by making the food as tasty as possible. It may be worth trying a few new foods to see if they like any of them, especially a high quality food or two.  In the meantime, keep mixing and softening their usual food and supplementing with baby food or ferret gravy.  If they don't start eating soon, try a visit to your vet