Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > bullying


21 10:39:08

Hello and thanks in advance. We have three male ferrets. Two are a year and a half and the third is about a year. The "normal" playing and biting went on for some time and came to an end except on occasion. One of our little guys who was the dominate one seemed to chill out a bit until a couple weeks ago. When we introduced the third ferret he seemed to scruff him a bit but nothing crazy. Well, this has changed. Our first is constantly scruffing the younger one (who is coincidentally twice his size) and will not let go of his scruff. I take him from the cage and its instantaneous, he bites his ears and the back of his neck and will not let go (twenty minutes). I have to pry his mouth open to make him release. I've tried to scruff him myself to let him know that we won't tolerate this but it doesn't help. He lays flat for a minute and is right back to chasing around the other until he gets him in that hold and just doesn't let up. Again, everybody was fine for a year in the same cage and play pen. My kids and I are pretty upset and aside from caging them separately we just don't know what to do. He does do this to the other ferret but just holds him for a minute or so. He hasn't drawn blood but we do feel small tiny scabs on the neck of the one getting bullied. Sorry so long, just desperate. They were so happy together for so long and something just went wrong. Please help!!

My first thought when someone mentions a "sudden" change in behavior like this is you need a visit to the vet.  It could be an early case of adrenal (we are seeing it that young) or some other illness that is making the one ferret pick on the other and both would need a check up.  If all is well and no one is complaining about the behavior, then I wouldn't worry too much.  I am assuming they are all neutered as an intact ferret could be causing some problems too.