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ferret and aluetian disease

21 10:38:26

I had my buddy put to sleep two days ago. I had rescued him 7 weeks ago off a porch, eating cat food. I was his third home. He was so thin but had gained weight, learning to play and so joyful, he didn't even know how to go up and down stairs, had always been caged. Within a few hours he had lost his hind legs to paralysis, I couldn't bear to see him that way. X rays looked fine, blood work showed gamaglobin off the charts, vet diagnosed aluetian disease, not my regular vet, she was out of town. His urine had always looked a little dark to me, more like ice tea, I thought he may have been dehydrated and I know they put drops in his water for odor control, I thought it was getting a little better, lighter color. I wanted him to be stable here before I took him for a checkup, he was so scared on the car ride to his new home. Now I wonder if he had kidney failure. I have an 8 year old female and she loved him, played, slept with,so happy. Now I have bleached, lysoled,thrown stuff away so afraid that I brought this virus into my home. I can't even get her another friend because they might get infected.I have probably infected her! I have so much guilt and don't know what to do. I hope I made the right decision for him, any suggestions you have on what to do now would be appreciated. P.S. You helped me before with my Zorro, he passed 10 months ago at 9 years of age.

Hi Beverly,

I am sitting here crying reading the story.  You had absolutely no way of knowing that precious little angel was so very sick.  I too have brought rescues home before, then had to deal with repercussions with my own ferrets.  Your heart was in the right place...and I honor you for what you gave this little guy probably the ONLY happiness he had in his whole life.  Whatever the outcome, please remember that and one other thing....there are no "accidents" in this world.  God has it under control.  You have done absolutely everything possible to try to keep your ferret from contracting illness just as soon as you knew there was a could have not done more!   You are an outstanding ferret mommy, you have a HUGE heart....and my heart is breaking for you.  Please know that I would have done exactly the same thing considering this little guy's circumstances, both before, bringing him home, and feeling guilty while disinfecting like a crazy person now.  I don't think I would have had the heart to isolate him until he was medically cleared.

You have cleaned and disinfected (did you bathe her?) and done everything I can think of to protect her.  KNOW that she also enjoyed the company of this little angel on borrowed time.  It did enrich her life, however it turns out....they had special time together too.  We will never know what that meant to her.  Know in your heart that 8 and 9 year old ferrets are considered very long-lived little ones, so you must be doing a LOT of right things....please don't feel guilty in any way.  I believe you will be blessed for what you did.  Perhaps your little girl won't get it....miracles happen.

At the very worst, IF your house really is contaminated and not disinfected enough, then maybe you are meant to love those precious little fuzzies that everyone labels as "lepers".  You are a great ferret mom with LOTS of experience.  My best advice is to just ride this one out for a while....until you know for sure what, if anything, you may be dealing with.  THEN sit down and decide if you have the time, energy and (i KNOW you have the HEART!!) to take in these precious sick little ones.  It's not like you or your family can get it, but you could make the end days of a few or a lot of ferrets nobody else wants to touch special and show them LOVE, perhaps like they have never known in their lives.  That is, of course, a decision only you can make.  I can only reassure you I would have done the exact same thing....would be doing exactly what you are doing now and have the same guilt and doubts you are feeling.  I don't know if that is any comfort...but you are MY HERO.

I have you and your little girl in my thoughts and prayers....God already has His hand in this whole situation in my opinion.  Hopefully that will give you some comfort.

Please let me know how this turns out?  The "big picture" of this story is yet to come, please believe that.  There is nothing more you can do but pray, wait, and DO NOT FEEL GUILTY for giving that little guy a few days of happiness and for him to feel loved probably the first time in his life...that can never be wrong.  Please stay in touch?

Jacquie Rodgers