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Greenish Poop

21 10:44:20

Scooter is an 18 month old desexed ferret and has had greenish poop for the last few days. I have taken him to the vet and they put him on Ensal. He has had his 1st dose tonight but I have since googled the medicine and it said that it could be toxic to ferrets. Should I continue to give him this medication. His poops are formed and have shape. This morning's one was much softer with some liquid but not diarrhea but tonights is firmer.


If your vet is a ferret savvy vet and suspects your ferret of having ECE (Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis) then many vets will prescribe Ensal at lose doses. The only case of ensal becoming toxic to a ferret is when overdosed. There is always a risk that a ferret can have a reaction to any medication. So if you are uncomfortable giving your fuzzy this medication I would give the vet a call and tell them what you read about Ensal and see if they have had any issues giving this to ferrets or if there is a different treatment route you could pursue.

Hope your fuzz baby feels better soon =D