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ferret sneezing

21 10:58:49

my ferret is 8 weeks old and we just brought him home from the pet store.he seems to go on sneezing fits and seems to sleep a lot.i realize he is ababy,but he doesn't seem as playful either.does he have a cold,maybe.what can i do?

Hi Brett,

What kind of litter are you using?  I use pine pellets.  Sometimes dust from litter etc. can make them sneeze.  Ferrets can have allergies too but yours is pretty little.  Babies sleep alot so don't be alarmed at that.  They play hard and sleep hard.  I have a black eyed white that a pet store had in pine shavings that is really a no no.  When I brought her home she sneezed a few days and now she is fine.  I wouldn't worry unless it doesn't go away.  