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Ferret Litter Box Training

21 10:58:50

Hi. I am helpless. My ferret, Jack, who is about 3 months old will not use his litter box. I have tried waking him up every so often to put him in his litter box to use it and he will run to another corner and I will put him back in his box. Then he will run to another corner and I will put him in his box. I think he believes it is a game because it repeats about 6 to 7 times before he gives up and goes in his box. I have tried spraying all the corners of his cage with the "Time-Out" spray, also. He smells the distinct and strong odor and does not like it, but he will back into the corner and still "go". What should I do? I have thought about putting litter pans in each corner, but he likes to play and roll around in his litter box he has now. What do you recommend I do? He is an extremely stubborn little guy, but, oh, how I love him.

Firstly, not all ferrets can ever be successfully litter trained.  You could place a box in every corner and change the type of litter (you should be using newspaper or a paper based litter as other litters can harm a ferret).  This may stop him from playing in his litter.  
Ferrets are not cats and often will just not use a litter box.  Part of their charm!