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Post-Surgery Concerns

21 10:58:49


It was both an Adrenal and Insulnoma surgery.  The redness seems to have stopped spreading but it is going away, just staying the same color.

The text above is a follow-up to ...

Our ferret, Rascal, just had a major surgery in his abdominal region on Friday, the 26th.  His stitches are holding but his entire abdomen is now red and his belly is swollen considerably.  I understand that there might be some swelling in the belly area since this is where he had the surgery but is this much (showing) trauma normal?
I would consider calling your vet tomorrow if Rascal's abdoman is still swollen and red.  Yes, it would be normal but the redness should be going away.  Did he have an Adrenal Gland removed?  Is their any drainage around the wound?
Let me know.

Hi Austin,

I think Rascal is going to be fine.  Just keep an eye on the redness and make sure Rascal has no drainage.  That is a rough surgery.  Rascal will probably need extra rest for a few days.  Just be sure he's drinking water and eating between naps.  

If you have any concerns, please email me.
