Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Life span/ferret proofing/one or more/smell?

Life span/ferret proofing/one or more/smell?

21 11:01:39


How long do ferrets live?

How do I ferret proof my house?

Are they happier in pairs?

Do they smell bad?  

They can live up to 18 years but average life span is 8.  The male ferret can smell but can be descented by a vet.  
Here is a link for ferret proofing your home.  It has a check list for you.  I have always kept them in pairs.  However if you are going to get more than one, I would get them both at the same time.  This way you do not have to worry about it becoming use to being an only ferret and then having its territory intruded upon later.  Sometimes they don't take well to this.  