Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > is there a behaviour difference between male and female?

is there a behaviour difference between male and female?

21 10:54:39

I'm considering getting a ferret but i dont know wether there is a difference in the male's behaviour ot the females behaviour

Dear Alice,

It really depends on who you ask. In my experience males tend to be more likely to be laid back, cuddly and not as hyper. Females tend to be a little bit more independent, less likely to come to you for attention. This though is when they are adults, as kits all ferrets are hyper and insane.

Physically males tend to be bigger while females are tinier. My males range from 2.6 pounds to 4 pounds. My female is about 1 poundish. She is very petite though, even for a female.
Others might tell you different things with different gender personalities, everyone has different experiences. My female likes me and will come curl up on my bed (more because the bed is comfy than for me) but I had her for almost a year as an only ferret. I worked very hard with her and spent a lot of time with her. If I hadn't I don't think she would be like she is now. She is still more likely to go and play by herself or the other ferrets while most of my males will come to me for attention a few times. She is a sweetheart though and is more likely to fall asleep while I pet her, and she loves her face rubbed.

My personal recommendation would be to get a adult ferret from a shelter. They will have a good idea of the ferrets personality and be able to match you better. I got my first ferret from a shelter and it was the best thing I did. I would have never been ready for a kit, even though I did a ton of research. He was a doll and a very good match.

Here also are some sites that I highly recommend going to for good ferret information since you are still learning.
Good Luck and have fun!
