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Ferret is sick

21 11:00:28

Our ferret today has been discovered with problems...
He can barley walk, acts drunk or like he has head trauma. Very bad cordination and is running into walls. Cant stay up very long and very narcaleptic. He also has been drooling, almost in a coma-like sleep.

He has had an adreanal turmor in the past that we removed.
He is also over weight, about 3 lbs.

We can't figure out what is wrong. If you could help and give us your insight it would be greatly appreaciated

It sounds very much like your ferret has Insulinoma.  Get some Nutri-Cal or if you have Karo Syrup or Molasses use that.  Rub it on your ferrets gums or put some in your ferrets mouth.  When they have Insulinoma they can become almost comatose, stare into space, be unsteady on their feet and not walk.  The sooner you get the Nutri-Cal or Syrup into your ferret the better.  Also check him for dehydration by pulling up the skin on the back of his neck and see if it drops back down quickly or if his gums are sticky he is dehydrated.  He would need Pedialyte asap or even  fluids if he is badly dehydrated as that a lone can kill a ferret.  Adreanal surgery helps but the tumors can come back.   
Please let me know if I can be of more help to you.  You can get Nutri-Cal at Petsmart or Petco also Pedialyte at a grocery store or pharmacy by the baby products.
If you ferret is really dehydrated it is imperative for him to have fluids.
I hope he gets better.  How old is he?