Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Ferret?


21 11:00:29

Can a ferret go outside without his rabies vacc. if he is supervised at ALL times?

I personally do not see a problem with taking your ferret out of doors on a leash etc supervised.
Research  has determined that ferrets are not susceptible to rabies virus through ingestion. Although it is possible for a ferret to contract rabies, as it is for any warm blooded mammal, the chance is extremely remote... they would have to come in contact with an infected animal through a bite.
Also there has never been a transmission of rabies from a ferret to a human. There have been less than 30 cases of rabies in ferrets ever recorded in the United States compared to thousands of cases in dogs, cats, and agricultural animals.  
thank you for your question.