Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Ferrets/other


21 10:55:54

I have two questions. You might find them a little odd.I would like to get a ferret but I need to convince my husband, and other family members. Do you have any advice? Maybe you could write something good about all the qualities of ferrets. I know it is weird, but thanks! My other question is this. I signed up to be an expert but I haven't gotten a response yet. I think it has been about 3 days. Do you remember how long it takes? If you could tell me it would be very much appreciated!
PS If you answer my questions, I will nominate you for expert of the month!

Hello, cngrats on considering a ferret and I have no clue how long it takes...I tryed to register for another account several days ago but never got a reply yet either lol. Ferrets are difficult to care for I'm afraid...they are more demanding then a cat or dog becuse they let into everthing into cupboard...under desks behind couches into couches...ect ect they are however very interesting to keep very amusing and very fun to play with they can be wlaked like a dog and can use a litter pan like a cat love t play like apayful puppy or kitten and I hear this love for paly never fades with age...they can be very loving and they are like bi furry slinkies!its up to the people considering if they want a ferret or another animal they are exotic pets and dont live as long as a dog or a cat and do require vaccines like dogs/cats. They are fun to have around but trublesome at the sametme.......I've listed some pros and cons hopefully you can work with them ferrets have body odour as well not like other pets, and over bathing makes them smell worse you can owever get dry bath powders and spraysto reducethe smellipersonally love the smell of baby ferrets..adults smell a bit more but not too bad if they are spayed or neutered.