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Gastric Ulcer

21 10:55:53

Hello. My ferret is being treated for a gastric ulcer. We are giving him subQ fluids every 12 hours. PeptoBismol 1ml., Amoxilin .5ml, and Metronidaz .5ml every 8 hours. 1/4 of a 10gram Prisolec pill crushed on his Ferretvite, once a day. We sirynge feed him  about  12ml of his ferret food, made into soup every three hours, and 6 to 9 ml of Pedyalite every three hours. We did this until he went back to his dry kibbles.
Today, nine days after starting him on medicine, and seeing him back to life and VERY active, and playing with us like never before, he started vomiting again. At first, during the day, nothing came out. But now at night, a little water did come out.
We are very lost now. The vet we go to, doesn't seem to know or care very much about ferrets. Unfortunately, we've spent everything we could have. She did x-rays, and didn't see any intestinal blockage. Our house is very ferret proof.
He had even managed to gain some weight back. At least it looked that way.
I going to start him on sirynge feeding again, because I don't think an empty tummy goes well with an ulcer. I gave him 9ml of Pedyalite after he vomited, and some Ferretvite and someLaxatone.
Please help us. You are the only one my wife and I can go to for help right now.
We are willing to fight for our baby's life! Oh, he is a little over two years old, weighed in at 2.3 pounds at the vet, due to the weight loss, and is an Albino. His name is Kimura, and he is very special!
Thanks, and we'll keep you in our prayers!

This sounds really frustrating.  I am not a vet, so I don't really know what to tell you.  My only experience with ulcers didn't end well at all.  There is a thought that they are caused and/or made worse with stress so even if treated, if the stressor doesn't go away neither will the ulcer.  There are also issues of helicobacter.  I suggest trying to find another vet.  There are some websites that have vet listings by state of ferret or exotic vets.