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Rescued a ferret now what?

21 10:59:45

I found a ferret in my garage and it looks a little ragged I took it to the shelter so they could remove two ticks on it and it has some hair loss as well but the humane shelter said it could be because of poor diet, my question is could she be correct or could it be worse some kind of adrenaline disease?, I guess I want to know if I decide to keep her what kind of expense it could be I suppose all as I can do is have her checked over by the vet and then make a decision. I can't afford a unhealthy ferret it's been a week and feeding it ferret food she is looking better each day it's really sad she always leaves a morsel of food in the cage like she is afraid that she wont get anymore I feel so sorry for her!. Also can you recomend a good diet that will help her?. Thanks I really want to help her any way I can but if I can't I'll have to find her a good home which is hard to do we have a lot of people who just mistreat there pets or neglect them around here that's why I want to try and keep her!.

I have 20 ferrets and sometimes poor diet can cause hair loss.  My ferrets eat Purina Kitten chow and always have.  I know some people say they shouldn't have it but I'm a vet tech and my ferrets live to be really old.  It's hard to get them started on new few but mix it with whatever you are feeding her now.  She may have adrenal disease but they can live a long time and do ok.  Sometimes they go bald but they still do ok.  You can also feed her chicken babyfood if she is underweight.  It helps them to gain and they love it.  Usually after they gain some weight on that they will go back to eating kitten chow.  It has all of the protein, taurine and all that they need that ferret food does and is a lot less expensive.

I hope this has helped you.  


Thank you, Julie.  I hope your ferrets do well.  I'm sure they will with you as their owner.