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21 10:37:48

I bought crushed up walnut shells for my ferret to dig in,is this ok?

Hi Anita:

First, let me apologize because ai just now received your question!  You certainly deserved a reply long before this!  Because of all the AllExperts system problems, I started an online ferret group on Facebook called THUNDERING FERRET PAWS and there is always someone there, if not me then other experienced ferret owners who can usually help also.  I hope you will join ucs there so this never happens to you again.

As long as your ferret does not eat them, they are probably okay.  Sand like you get for a child's sandbox works perfectly and would be a lot kinder to his feet unless the walnuts are literally ground up like sand.  I personally would not use them because ferret feet are so tender, but since you asked the question so long ago, you probably know by now if your ferrets feet are bothered by them or not. If they bother him, he probably won't want to do much digging.

There are other things that work well in a dig box too.  I personally use white long grain rice or play sand for sandboxes and my ferrets like both. The reason for using children's sandbox bagged sand instead of what's in the backyard is that you won't get any pesticides or poisons, junk ferrets should not be getting into, etc. Do not use instant rice, use the long cooking one.  I buy mine in 40-lb bags and two bags makes a huge fun box that you can even run their cleat dryer tube type tunnels underneath. They think thats lots of fun, but it is heavy, so be sure the tub you use is where you plan to leave it before filling.  On the opposite side of the coin, packing peanuts made with cornstarch - you will know they are the right ones if they immediately melt in your mouth if you lick it - are also Loy's of fun.  Regular packing peanuts that do not melt in your mouth will cause intestinal blockages. Ferrets love to eat them and they never pass thru without causing blockages in the intestines, so they are deadly, be very careful not to use those.

Hope you will join us on THUNDERING FERRET PAWS on Facebook.  Again, I apologize for the AllExperts system not getting your question to me in a timely manner. I have no control over that.

Jacquie Rodgers