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hard to hold ferret

21 10:50:12

we were given a 3yrs female ferret but she just doesn't seem to like to held, we have another ferret and have raise her from a baby and she just loves to cuddled, we would like to know how to have this other ferret like to be held.  i have tried the scruff and cuddled way but really haven't much luck, do i keep trying this way

Hi Peggy,

In this situation, you really have two opposite sides of the spectrum for ferrets. The ferret that you have that loves to be cuddled is actually stranger than the ferret that doesn't like to be held and cuddled.

Ferrets are extremely active and curious creatures and they are always ready to go, go, go! There isn't anything strange about this behavior and it is typical ferret behavior. If she doesn't like to be cuddled, then is just part of her personality! I wouldn't try and force her into it. You could pick her up and cuddle her once in a while and see if, over time, she is more open to cuddling, but I wouldn't advise you to scruff her while trying to snuggle because you are sending the signal that she is doing something bad and she may start thinking that cuddling is a punishment.

My suggestion is that you give her some Ferretone or a treat she likes and while she's eating that, give her some love and snuggle her that way. Maybe, then, she'll start associating cuddling with good feelings and eventually she will love to cuddle like your other little girl does.

I hope this answers your question and if it doesn't, feel free to let me know.

Have a safe and happy holiday,
Emilee Andrews