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snezzing, and sleeping all the time

21 10:42:59

my ferret is a girl we have had her for little under a year and now after her being hyper for all that time she seems like she is not her self she sleeps more and she sneezes a lot, she still eats and drinks so i didn't think she could be sick but i still watch her. is there anything i could do at home to help that or is that something i would need to take her in for?

Hello Randi,

It is very likely that your ferret contracted an upper respiratory infection.  They can get certain "colds" from you, so it is best to stay away from your little buddy if you are feeling ill.  

As long as your ferret is eating, drinking and not loosing any weight I would continue to moniter her closely.  If the lethergy does not resolve soon or she develops difficulty breathing, have her seen by your vet.  Like in people, most ferrets feel tired want to sleep most of the time when they are sick and that is normal.  

There is not much you can do at home exept moniter her progress.  If you have other ferrets, seperate her so you can watch her food and fluid intake more easily (as well as prevent the spread of the infection).  I would put a very small amount of food into the bowl and watch to see when it is gone.  It is much more difficult to know if she is eating when the bowl is completely full!  

You can also take her temperature with a rectal thermomenter and some KY jelly.  A ferret's temperature should be about 103 degrees.  If it is above 104 or under 100, take her to your vet right away.  

The most important thing is to make sure she is eating and drinking.  A ferret NEEDS to eat every 4-6 hours and can waste away VERY quickly without nutrients.  This is why you must keep a close eye on her.  Bring her to your vet if her lethergy lasts more than a few days or becomes worse.  If she develops difficulty breathing, bring her in right away.  

-Cindy P.