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albinos and dews

21 10:52:01

hey i asked a question about ferrets and temperature a few days back and now i have another question.well, im considering getting an albino or dew ferret soon and i just wanted to know are do dew's fur eventually change color?I know that albino and dews fur is alwais white or can be a yellowish type of color but i heard that most ferrets fur can change color n stuff,so im just makin sure.

As far as I know, all ferret's (except albinos because they have zero pigment) color can change. My Puppy is a dark eyed white, when I got him he was all white, but now is partially silver/grey. I think it's pretty normal for a ferret to change their color with age, seasons, and diet. But their maturity is the key factor, once a ferret goes into their adult coat that's pretty much how they'll look.