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litter training and biting

21 10:59:55

i have a male ferret who is about 10 - 12 weeks old he is sort of litter trained but gets lazy if he isnt in the room where the litter box is he will do it any where he has his corners in each room should i put a litter box in each room? and also he keeps biting me chases my feet and bites really hard what can i do to stop him or should i get him a play mate? he has been handled since birth but doesnt like being stroked much what can i do i love him to bits but im having a baby and i dont want him to bite the baby thank you xx

All the things your ferret is doing is normal for his age.  It is better to have litter boxes in the corners he goes in and they always have to go right after they eat and wake up so that might help too.  They are just so active they go when playing, but he should learn as he gets older.  Biting feet is another normal play thing.  To teach him to not bite hard pick him up and scruff his neck and say NO BITE every time he does that.  Then give him loves so he isn't afraid.  My daughter has ferrets and they were around my grandson and did great.  It would help to get a ferret book from the book store or subscribe to Ferret Magazine.  They have all sorts of things that help with a young ferret.  Playmates are good for ferrets but then you'll have two to train to go in the box and not to bite at your feet.

Good luck and if you have any other questions feel free to contact me.
