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Too much bathing and Spoiling

21 10:55:45

I've fed my ferret two different types of ferret foods and both haven't helped decrease my ferret's odor in the least bit. I clean his cage and corners daily and bathe him twice every month, so could this mean the odor is still as strong because of what I'm feeding him? Do you recommend any types of food I could start feeding him? I was thinking of switching his food to a type of cat's food. Is this okay and if so, what do you suggest? Also, my ferret will wake up multiple times during the night and scratch his cage bars very loudly. I scruff him and scold him gently, but he's persistent in keeping me up all night. Does this mean he needs more food and water or does he just want to come out and play?

If you stop bathing him so much his odor should be less noticeable, a ferret's diet has very little to do with how he smells. Every time you bathe him, you are drying out his skin of natural oils, so his body works overtime trying to replenish the lost moisture--hence, the stronger smell. Seriously, the LESS you bathe a ferret, the BETTER he  will smell. I haven't bathed my ferrets in over a year, they have a very mild (if any) smell. Once in a while I give them little WATER ONLY rinse off's, but that's it. If you feel the need to bathe your ferret, limit it to every few months, if any. A ferret doesn't need a bathe like a dog, they stay very clean on their own like cats. You should only give him a bath if he gets into something dirty that won't come off.

As for during the night, you need to not reinforce his behavior by giving him attention. Try putting him (in his cage) in another room or a walk in closet where you can partially close the door so the noise is quieter and he won't see you. He should wrap his sleep around your life, not the other way around. Be sure also his cage is a good size, has lots of nice sleeping places, and that he has ample food and water. It may take a couple weeks for him to learn that you won't respond to his fussing, but if you are persistent in ignoring him during your "sleep time" he should stop. Ferrets are very adaptable, he will learn to sleep when you sleep and be awake when you're awake. All 3 of my ferrets know this, they don't make a peep until I'm ready to wake them up for the day. As long as you give him a lot of time outside the cage during the day and play with him and give him enough attention, him not disturbing you throughout the night is not too much to ask.

Hope I've helped, good luck!