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Ferret better alone?

21 10:44:17

Dear Cassie,
I have 3 ferrets. My oldest one Pebbles is 4. She has always been very small but seems like she lost a tiny bit of weight. I got her when she was about 8 weeks old and before my daughter was born, spent a lot of time with her. When it got harder to play with her so much, I adopted a friend for her since she seemed depressed. Things looked up! Now she seems depressed again so I've been making sure to spend more one on one time with her. Would she be better off in a seperate cage or stick with the extra time and she stays with the other two? Thanks!

Have you taken her to the vet to make sure it isn't anything medical?

I would give her a trial run alone see if she does better without the other ferrets. If she does then I would permanently separate her from the other ferrets. If she doesn't I would take her to the vet to see if she is having some kind of non obvious medical issue causing her to slow down and lose weight.