Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Runny Stool in Ferret?

Runny Stool in Ferret?

21 10:52:42

I just got a new 5 year old ferret last night and his poop seem very runny and orange-ish (like the inside of a tomato). He also eats very little and sleeps A LOT but otherwise pretty active! Should I be concerned? (I didn't change his diet)

Not being a vet I will answer this cautiously.  If he is eating something that would cause his poop to be that color (a food coloring in his diet) then that MAY be the cause.  Stress MAY also be the cause.  You need to watch that it doesn't stay runny in case he is ill.  My most conservative answer would be a vet check up, especially since he is new to you - a once over is always a good idea.