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kits getting pushed out i think!!!!

21 11:00:21

Ive had my ferret for about a year now and i thought that is was a right time for her to turn into a mother. Anyway she gave birth on the 24th of may 2006 this month. She seems a good mother but i discovered a white kit layed on its own not moving i got the kit out and i think it was either born dead or died over night. At first i thought nothing of it yet a day later i then discovered another ferret which had also been kicked out and had died. Im a bit worrid incase she isnt feeding them. Then again the others which are quite livley even though they are only 2 days old they are moving and certainly making sounds, so i think that the bigger and more livley of the litter of 6 have kicked the other 2 out hopefully they have! Over all what do you think will have happend to the discarded young 2. What will of happened and whats shall i do next? plz help!

Unfortunately I wished you had written me before your female was bred. Breeding ferrets is often a heart breaking and difficult task. I would never suggest anyone enter into it unless you are an experienced breeder. Ferret litters very often have several kits die, and sometimes they lose the whole litter. Some female ferrets do not make good mothers, and hand rearing kits that are under two weeks old is very difficult. I would have your mother ferret and the remaining kits thoroughly checked by you vet, and see what he says about any ideas to help. It may be that the two kits that died were ill, and it was simply "natural selection" on the mother's part. I don't know. But I would consult with your vet for postnatal care to help ensure the life of the remaining kits. Hopefully your vet will give you a clean bill of health on your litter and mother, to ease your worries. Good Luck, I hope all goes well.