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Basic Ferret Needs

21 11:01:43

I do not have a ferret yet but am planing to get one. I need to know some basic things like...feeding,cleaning, etc. I have a 4' tall 2' wide and 1' deep cage is this big enough? Do ferrets need vacinations?Anyhting else I should know?

Hi Francesca,

Yes, ferrets need vaccinations. They should have a series of three distempers and one rabies. The rabies is given at 12 weeks of age. The only approved rabies vaccine is Imrab3. The approved distemper vaccines are FervacD and Purevac.

The cage that you are describing sounds big enough for one or two ferrets. Make sure that the floor isn't wire. They can get their toes caught in the wire and end up breaking their toes.

It's really a good thing to look into the care of a pet prior to purchasing one. There are many books out there, but the one I suggest to people is "Ferret For Dummies" by Kim Schilling. Your library may have it. If not, I suggest that you purchase the book, most ferret owners call it their Bible. It will answer all of your questions AND you can refer to it later.
