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how to stop ferrets from bitting

21 10:56:23

i have a baby ferret and she bits hard i need to know what am doing and how to get her to stop bitting the fingers it hurts when she dose it and draws blood to please help me and tell me what i can do thanks yvonne sanchez

Babies of all types bite.  This is common and they need to learn not to bite humans.  First, make sure you do not put her down when she bites so that she doesn't learn to bite in order to be put down.  Next, you can yelp loudly when she bites and tell her "No".  It will take time and patience, but as she grows up she will learn to stop biting - first she will learn not to bite hard though.  Make sure it is a simple "no" and you don't tap her nose or punish her since she is testing what she is allowed to do and she doesn't know that biting is off limits yet.