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My new baby is sick

21 11:00:15

Hi I just got a baby ferret a few days ago. He is great and seemed fine tell tonight. He started throwing up. Well he throw up 1 time but keep kinda dry heaving. he also had diarrhea. I know he did not eat anything he was not supposed to we only let him out in a little room with us in it the whole time. And I have been feeding him the same food since I got him last Wednesday. He has not had anything new (he wont eat treats) Do you think I got a sick ferret?
I all ready love him so much and just want him to be OK! what should I do? When It comes to my pets being sick I all ways over reacted and think it's the end of the world, so I will be anxiously awaiting you answers and advice


Hi Danielle,

Sometimes ferrets just get stressed out in a new place.  They can throw up and have diarrhea.  Just watch him and make sure that stops.  The diarrhea can dehydrate a ferret fast and kill.  To help diarrhea put a little Pedialyte in his water.  It will hydrate him.

Let me know how he's doing?  I don't think you got a sick ferret if you got him at a pet store.  They are pretty healthy.  If you got him from a breeder I doubt
he'd be sick to, but there would be more of a chance of that from a breeder.
