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Getting another ferret?

21 10:59:46

Ferrets had never been on my list of animals that I wanted to keep but when a roommate bought a ferret, didn't take care of her, and then moved away I ended up with a ferret.  Boy was I surprised!  I'll never be without carpet shark again.  Unfortunately though, my darling little girl is a Marshall's ferret and I'm not familiar with any breeders.  I'd like to get a second ferret some time in the next year or two but I don't know where to look for the sort of animal that I want.  The most important thing (for me, anyway) is to find a breeder who is working with animals that are either free of or have a low occurrence of the typical ferret health issues.  Do you know of any such breeders?  Location is not an issue.  Thank you for your time.

-Misty's mom

Well, the majority of ferret illnesses can't be directly linked to breeders.  Insulinoma is linked to diet (not enough protein and too high in carbs) while Adrenal is linked to un-natural exposure to light (ferrets are burrowing animals) and early spay or neutering.  Large breeders spay very early and 6 months is considered "normal" but can and does still lead to Adrenal Disease.  If you are set on getting an ex breeder ferret then your best bet is to check out ferret clubs that also work with breeders or rescues.  All of my ferrets have been rescues - the only breeders I know if are in Ohio as they are closer to me...