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Ferret Bites at Flute Playing!

21 10:57:19

my ferret is 1 year old. His name is Frodo. When I play my flute he attacks me. He actually bites me. He never bites me any other time. I can use my flute to find him when he has gone missing. He always come when I play it. Do you know if this is normal?

Hi Ellie:

Well, Frodo is definitely not deaf! :-)  And it's a great thing, actually, that you have a way to find him when he is missing!!

Ferrets often react strangely to various noises such as squeaky toys (they usually bite then too) and similar sounds.  I think it's perfectly normal that your Frodo bites - perhaps the tone of the flute hurts his ears. It may be a good idea to play in a room other than the one he is in, just in case it is causing him pain.


Jacquie Rodgers