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Thank you

21 10:37:41

Thank you so much! he seems to be slowly gaining energy back as of right now.he still is rather sleepy though. he took another poop earlier(still small and squishier than normal) and i found a dark brown circle in it. im unsure if this was causing the blockage or if it might be food that didnt get fully digested. the circle is darker than his food, but it was soft enough to cut with a plastic knife. he still isnt showing much interest in food or water, and if that continues i'll definitely take him back in and get another x-ray done. he's also stopped sighing in his sleep for now.

Thank you, Ashley, for the update.  I am quite concerned about your little fellow.  Please do not hesitate to call your vet or take him in for a follow-up.  When these little guys get sick, they can go down quickly.  

I sincerely hope everything continues to get better.  Wishing your little fuzzie well.
Warm Regards,