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female died, male sad... have a few questions

21 10:42:02

I've had my ferrets since aug of 09' my female was always much small then my male. The past month she looked to be getting skinnier. Normal bm's normal eating, normal play behavior. My male bulked up in weight. Came home to what looked like a choking ferret layed her flat she didn't walk. Helped her drink, she didn't eat.  Only used her two front feet to crawl I lost her that night. My male was naturly sad and has been pouting about. Now I read a few question before asking my own. My husband and I have been giving him lots of love and tlc. He is eating normal and still loves chasing the dog around the house. Acting normal.  Now one of the questions I read mentioned getting him either a male of female play pal. He is neutered by the way.

My questions are if he is acting normal, eating, playing everything SHOULD I get him another friend? And how do I find the right new play pal? Male or female?

He is awfully sweet and super sad his lady died. So I want to be sure that what ever I do it the best for him.  

If he doesn't seem to be lonely (in some ferrets they will not show this for a couple of days/weeks after their mate died) then it is a personal choice to get another ferret. I always like to keep at least a pair of ferrets so he/she has someone to play with when I am not home.

If you have a local ferret shelter you can actually setup play sessions to see which ferrets your ferret gets along with best. Sex of the ferret really doesn't matter as long as both are spayed/neutered. Make sure the new ferret is healthy and vetted before introducing him/her to your little guy.