Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > cat lax

cat lax

21 10:42:47


     Happy Thanksgiving! my question is how much cat lax can i give my ferret's and how often?

Hello Tina,

I hope your Thanksgiving is going well!  You can use cat lax to help prevent hairballs in ferrets.  I usually give a small amount (about a 1/2-1" strip on my finger) to my guys no more than 2-3x a week during shedding season.  It should not be needed during other times of the year.  

Cat or ferret lax can help prevent hairballs, but they can still happen.  If you notice any vomiting, anorexia, difficulty defecating/diarrhea or excessive coughing, have your ferret seen right away by a vet.  

-Cindy P.