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Brand new babies!

21 10:52:50

Hi there! My fiancee and I are proudly owned by two kits, a boy (Kefka) and a girl (Nadya). We have had Nadya for about 2 months and Kefka for about a week! We just love them to pieces. They are on Totally Ferret food, and they have a Ferret Nation cage. They are both working on the whole litter box thing (haha). I am just wondering about a few things:

a) Nadya doesn't really dook a lot. I mean, she does sometimes, but she doesn't really make much noise at all. We was just wondering if that is normal. She plays well and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her. We didn't really notice how little sound she makes until we got Kefka because he is the most vocal ferret we've come across and I volunteer at a ferret shelter!  

b) Kefka chews on his food dish. We have a plastic crock that locks onto the cage and a free standing heavy plastic bowl and he chews on both of these. He doesn't seem to be doing any damage to them and cage stress doesn't seem to be the issue, either. We thought maybe it would be because he was teething, being so young. We were just worried because we don't want his teeth to be damaged and we don't want him to break the bowl and swallow part of it or something like that!

Also, we have read Ferrets for Dummies cover to cover!

Maybe we're just being worried parents but it never hurts to check!

Thank you in advance!  

Hello, thanks for your question. I'm glad you have done your research, and your questions are good ones. To answer A, every ferret is different personality wise, even when it comes to making noise. Some ferrets are very talkative, and dook and hiss and mutter constantly. Some ferrets hardly ever make a peep. I have both kinds, and it's perfectly normal, so nothing to worry about. Just like people, it doesn't mean she's happy or not, it just she's just more quiet.

As for B, I would highly recommend you get them ceramic're right, even though the possibility of damaging his teeth is pretty small, he could accidentally swallow bits of the plastic, and that would be bad. He probably is teething, but he will find other things to mouth on if he's in pain, it will pass soon and you shouldn't be worried about this either.

Best of luck, you're doing a great job being ferret parents! :)