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9 week old ferret...lump under arm

21 10:43:14

Hi Jacquie,

I just brought home an 8 week old ball of fur and I noticed that he has a very large lump under his arm. I am very worried, and will be taking him to the vet, but I was just wondering if you've heard about lymphoma in a ferret this young? I know there is juvenile lymphoma, but I've never heard of this happening to a ferret this age.

Hi Emilia:

No, I haven't heard of lymphoma in a ferret that young, but anything is possible. That's definitelly something you shouldn't mess with - get him to a vet a.s.a.p.  Wish I had a magic wand for you.  Let me know what you find out, k?  Best of luck.


Jacquie Rodgers