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21 10:45:14

I was wondering what kind of games ferrets like because they are getting bored with their toys. Two are one year and the other is 7 months. I was also wondering about cage setup requirments.

thanks for your help

Hello Madeline,

This has many game ideas for ferrets. You might want to stick to just Ferretone- it suggests ice cream as a treat, but I would just stick with Ferretone - it is much better as a treat. Also, I'm not sure about liquid smoke, so you should probably stick with Ferretone as well.

Cage requirements for three ferrets are pretty hefty. This is my recommendation:

Ferret Nation cages are amazing ferret real estate. They are a big investment, but they are sturdy and my ferrets love theirs. If you don't want to invest in something like that, you should get a cage that is roughly that size. Again, though, that cage will pay for itself with its sturdiness and integrity. It is really amazing. Check out other Midwest cages as well. A ferret cage for one ferret needs to be about 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet and that is just for ONE ferret, the BARE MINIMUM! For three, you need something much bigger. Do some shopping around, and let me know what you come up with and we can figure something out together!

I hope this helps, and if you need anything else, as always, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews