Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Old Ferret PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!


21 10:39:33

please help me! I have a 7 yr old female ferret. In the past 6 hours i have noticed very vivid signs of illness. She has been VERY slow. she takes one step and has to lay down. Her hind legs are very wobbly, so much that she can barely stand. I know that she is getting old. but the weird thing is that she was playing with her ball hopping all over the place just the other day! she wont eat and only drinks a tiny bit. her eyes look sleepy. her breathing is SUPER shallow when she has been sleeping, which has been ever since i noticed her condition. she has been sleeping in postions abnormal to her normal ones. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me, this ferret is like a sister to me.

Hello Miranda,

Those are all signs of a very sick ferret.  She needs veterinary care and diagnostic tests right away to determine what is wrong an how to treat it.  At that age, MANY things can cause the symptoms you describe, and she needs to be taken to an animal hospital NOW and a full physical exam ASAP. She will only get worse if you wait, and less of a chance to save her.  

If normal clinics are not open (I am not sure how different the time zones are in Japan) take her to the nearest emergency hospital that sees ferrets, or the nearest school of Veterinary Medicine.  Make sure you call first, since some hospitals do not have veterinarians knowledgeable with ferrets during those hours.  

-Cindy P.