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ferret lymph nodes

21 10:41:50

I have a male ferret that will be 2yrs old in May and recently I found a round squishy ball-like thing in his belly, and now the nodes under his armpits and behind his back legs feel like they are swollen, was just wondering if this is something to be extremely worried about and can he survive if he needs surgery?

Hello Ashley,

Those sound like enlarged lymph nodes.  These are located throughout the body including in the abdomen, but are most prominent are on the neck, under the arms and in groin area.

I am concerned since more than one node is enlarged.  Can you feel a swelling in the groin area as well?  Enlarged lymph nodes can mean there is an infection in the body.  the lymphatic system is important for immune responses which causes swelling in these areas.  

Enlarged lymph nodes can also be a sign of a serious medical condition called lymphoma.  In ferrets, lymphosarcoma is the most common malignancy.  There are two forms of the disease, a rapidly progressive form which is most common in ferrets under 2 years of age, and a more chronic form which affects ferrets 5-7 years of age.  

Common symoptoms (can vary):
hard, bean shaped lymph nodes that do not appear painful
enlarged spleen/liver
severe weight loss
hind leg weakness
difficulty breathing (due to enlarged thymus) or coughing

Here is more information:

I would bring him RIGHT away for a checkup to rule out lymphoma since it is such a serious disease.  Often superficial symptoms are not present or variable until the disease has progressed, especially in young animals. While it may be due to general infection in the body, a propmpt diagnosis is always a good idea.     

Please let me know how this turns out.

-Cindy P.