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good pet?

21 11:01:27


Do ferrets make good pets?

How long do they live?

Are they prone to any illnesses?


A lot of people aren't prepared for living with a ferret, and you have to change your lifestyle a little. Ferrets are very involved animals, and need a lot of attention, a lot of time, a lot of training.

They need diligent training to become good pets. They can be somewhat destructive, and carpet scratch, and destroy plants, etc., mostly from curiosity.  They don't scratch like a cat, its more like a raccoon, they are curious, and get into trouble. your whole house has to be ferret proofed, and small holes all plugged up, a board on the bottom of the couches and boxsprings on beds etc. they are not litter box trained and will  need to be taught (not like a cat that is instinctual) and are NOT 100% with the litter box.I always prompted mine to use the litter box in the cage before allowing play time outside the cage. otherwise they go to the nearest corner.
And some ferrets never learn to be litter box trained (a few), which is a messy situation. They also have an odor, that is a musky and can turn some people off. they don't have it as babies, so unfortunately, a lot people are surprised by their odor they develop as adults.
It is a musky odor, caused by scent glands. All pet store ferrets are "neutered & descented," but there is still an odor.....There are ways to lessen the odor, but not eliminate it. Diligent cleaning of the litter box, and their food are the best ways to control the odor. It is not a repugnant odor, just a little musky.
If you have never had one, or taken care of one,  reading books and knowing all the facts helps. "Ferrets for dummies" is a good book.
  Some people think of ferrets as "rodents," but in fact the a predatory animals, much like raccoons, or cats, and could/kill small animals i.e.: hamsters, mice, birds etc. Most ferrets have the hunt instinct bred out of them, but some still have it, like cats..  They have the ability to break human bones easily with their jaws. A lot of people do not know this. They are also what is known as "relentlessly curious" which means they get into everything, just from sheer curiosity. Your house needs to be ferret proofed or confine them to one safe room (and always keep them in a cage, do not let your ferret roam free as some people suggest).small holes all plugged up, a board on the bottom of the couches and boxsprings on beds etc..
Ferrets also have a tendency to nip, and if not corrected, can turn into biters.Alot of Ferrets nip as babies, and need to be trained out of this behavior. If you do get a baby, try to find one that doesn't nip or nips very little, and makes eye contact with you, not one that is severely squirming and nipping aggressively.

I don't feel a child should have a ferret until they are at least thirteen years old. They ARE exotic animals and need a lot of commitment, but I do feel a 13 year old can handle it. BUT only after reading books and knowing all the facts.

Ferrets love a lot of attention, but they sleep a lot too. Much like cats. They nap a lot. But then they wake, ready to go. On the upside, they are fun, curious animals, and they are great pets, but they are not for everyone. I much prefer males to females, b/c males tend to be calmer, and also grow larger. But that's a matter of preference.
What's there average life span?
8-10 years

Do they often get health problems? What kind of health problems?  
If you pick a healthy kit, they should not have multiple health problems.
They can develop several diseases just as can any other type of pet, but if you keep them vaccinated, and healthy, they are not PRONE to getting ill.
I hope this helps! Please feel free to ask more questions if needed!